Legal & Privacy

Smith & Taylor Limited, is a company Registered in England, Number 01975171. Registered Office: Chelsea Bridge Cellars, 1c Broughton Street, London SW8 3QJ UK.

The “Smith & Taylor” trademark as well as all trademarks, whether figurative or not, and all other marks, illustrations, images, and logos which appear on our products, brochures, website or packaging, whether registered or not, are and remain the exclusive property of Smith & Taylor Ltd. Any reproduction, whether complete or partial, modification or use of these marks, illustrations, images and logos, for whatever reason and in whatever medium, without our written, express and prior agreement, is strictly prohibited, as in any combination or use in conjunction with any other mark, symbol, logo and more generally any distinctive sign intended to form a composite logo.

Security measures have been employed to ensure security and confidentiality of visitors’ data. However, visitors acknowledge that Smith & Taylor does not control the transfer of data over telecommunication facilities, including the internet. Therefore, Smith & Taylor warns visitors against any potential risk involved by the use of the internet in this respect.

Hypertext links to this website may only be included with prior written consent from Smith & Taylor, which may be withheld at any time. Smith & Taylor has no responsibility for the content of any third-party pages.

Smith & Taylor hereby informs visitors that these conditions may be modified at any time. As soon as they are displayed online, each visitor who accesses this website is deemed to have accepted these modifications without restriction. It is therefore the visitor’s responsibility to read these terms (and our Terms & Conditions page) prior to browsing the website.